It takes a team !

Support my Campaign

There are many ways for you to support JAiME KOKAiSEL’s campaign for District 833 SCHOOL BOARD. The list below will help me achieve name recognition throughout this very large district. Become a part of the team. There is tremendous power in your words, actions and public support!

Invite JAiME to meet your group. Offer to host a Meet-and-Greet in your home, neighborhood, or business. (Fill out Form Below)

Volunteer to drop literature, prepare mailings, or distribute business cards. Do you own a business? Consider displaying my literature in your office. (Fill out Form Below)

Request a lawn sign to display in your yard when the time comes. (Fill out Form Below)

Give a financial DONATION to help fund JAiME’s campaign.

Follow, Like & Share JAiME for SCHOOLS on FACEBOOK . I give frequent updates about my campaign on Social Media, and as things pick up I will begin advertising there as well.

Please pray for me and for the efforts of this courageous team. Individual prayer and group prayer are both greatly needed and appreciated. Let me know if you would like to be connected with the Prayer Team that has organized in support of my campaign.

Tell me your story so that I can keep you in mind while I write articles and so that others may learn from your experiences too. (Fill out Form Below)

SUBSCRIBE to my blog and receive emails as soon as articles post.

Watch my EVENT page and attend one with me, ask your questions, and bring a friend.

Vote in the election as early as Sept 22nd. Election Day is Nov 7th, 2023.

Follow These Steps.


Please Fill Out The Form


Visit my website often

There is a lot that happens in the months leading up to Election Day. My website is home base and will update regularely.


Let me know how you would like to help

See the list above or offer an idea you have.


Congrats! You Are A Part of My Support Team !

Start The Process of becoming a volunteer By Filling Out The Form

It takes a team !

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