See how your school compares to surrounding models in the South Washington County School area. And PLEASE PARTICIPATE by helping complete the list.

All Schools BOOK LIST

Reading is healthy.

Dr. Seuss

Reading sparks the imagination and expands our worldview. Kids who read improve their vocabulary, memory, comprehension, focus, and even their empathy for others. Reading builds confidence and sharpens skills such as writing, analytics and critical thinking. The value of reading can extend even beyond education as it improves sleep, reduces stress, calms the mind, and feeds the soul.

“The book to read is not the one that thinks for you but the one which makes you think.”

Harper Lee

Check out the list of assigned reading material between public, private, home and micro schools by grade level. The concentration is on HIGH SCHOOL, MIDDLE SCHOOL, and ELEMENTARY SCHOOL age children down to 3rd grade.

Dear Students and Parents,

The list was started on June 15th, 2022 and is not complete. There are many missing fields. Please consider CONTRIBUTING TO THE LIST by providing you or your child’s . . .

  1. school attended
  2. grade level completed
  3. books assigned throughout the year. This includes primarily Language Arts, but it can also extend into other subjects such as History and Scripture.

If you have friends at different schools and/or in different grades, please ask them to contribute also. Thank you!

I will begin to talk about proficiency among the different schools models soon, and this reading list will help ground that conversation.

Dear Teachers,

How are books selected for each grade at your school? Does the individual teacher decide, or does the department decide together? As you look through these lists, what differences do you see now versus five or ten years ago? Are kids assigned more books at your school, or less? How have the types of assigned books changed over the years?

By JAiME for SCHOOLS June 16th 2022


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