After voters approved the revenue operating levy on November 2nd 2021, SoWashCo schools didn’t miss a beat moving into plans for their next tax increase proposition. Two days later they immediately jumped into long range facility planning at their November 4th Meeting and Workshop. The strategy? My guess is they need to pass this bond referendum by the public before 2021’s approved impact is felt -with inflation! I am not deterred though. Changes are coming to the education system, I can feel it!


Last weeks workshop in review

Quick summary of the District 833 SoWashCo January 6th School Board Meeting and Workshop.

At the meeting, Eric Tessmer took his Oath of Office, along with Sharon Van Leer, Katie Schwartz and Patricia Driscoll. New officers were elected, and the board school/committee assignments were approved. Pat walked out of the meeting at this time because she was apparently unhappy with the way assignments were administered. Policy 810: Mandatory V for OSHA compliance was presented and passed 5-1. Eric asked about the policy time period parameters and the specific number of V required in this policy.

The meeting came to a close and the workshop started out with four school showcases. Then a long-range facility update was given. The justification is that Cottage Grove and Woodbury’s 10 year plan will mean 8,000 more homes, translating into 3,500 more students and the necessity for additional school building space. The meeting ended with discussions over the proposed 2022-23 calendar, which was organized based on teacher, parent, and student survey feedback. According to Superintendent Nielsen, students want more flex days (big surprise), so that is what she gave them. Eight flex days were built into the schedule. Eric and Katie expressed disapproval, therefore the calendar is under revision.

by JAiME for SCHOOLS January 11th, 2022

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