JOURNEY of Two Mountains

By Jaime Kokaisel

Each mountain represents its own pathway, its own quest, its own treasure, its own spiritual end. Education is a gift of FREEDOM. Freedom can take one of TWO paths (and two paths only). Path #1 is the freedom to SERVE, and Path #2 is the freedom to SIN. District 833’s PATHWAY OF HIGHEST PROFICIENCY is Liberty Ridge Elementary to Lake Middle to East Ridge High School. There is a spiritual battle going on for the souls of our children, and parents may not even be aware of it. Which mountain will you climb? Whose yoke will you carry? Don’t be tricked into thinking that ‘secular’ means neutral. Behind the walls of Progressive Education is progressive religion : SEL and DEI Rubrics for Literacy.

A Literary Comparison Between Three Schools
Part 2

Lake Middle School

Minnesota - District 833 Public

Dear Reader,  

Book Review Disclaimer : The two books under review here are the first of their series. The Hobbit is the prequel to The Lord of The Rings Trilogy. Serafina and The Black Cloak is the first in a series of four. When each is read in full, you will see two very powerful messages in their entirety – from creation to transformation to end.

For the purpose of this book review, I have set the parameter to (mostly) end at the first book because this most accurately matches the classroom experience. I leave it up to you to read the full series of each and to extrapolate the author’s intended spiritual meanings from there. My message here is one of caution for parents as to the dangers of biblically inspired literature taught in the context of a secular classroom, one where there is no Bible for scriptural reference or trusted mentor for spiritual guidance.

The contents of this article are the result of my own research and observation. I have not confirmed my theories with the artist, though I did reach out to him with questions. His answers steered my prayer and research.

The Serafina Series sketch design – Study by Jaime Kokaisel


Literature is used as the change agent and intervention to reach a desired goal. As you read along, what do YOU think the MEANS of District 833 is meant to produce in the end?

Two Books

Masculine and Feminine

Spiritual Element is Masculine Pointing Up (transformation, renewal, rebirth)

(Trinity – Christian Private School) 

The divine nature is revealed indirectly through a parable style of fantasy storytelling. Goodness is gentle, meek humble and bright while Evil is loud, proud, sneaky and dark. The hero, Mr Bilbo Baggins, has Christ-like characteristic traits, but he does not seek power or fame or glory. He remains a humble servant to the call. 

Christian private schools teach the Bible WITH the Bible.


(Lake – Secular Public School)

The divine nature is revealed directly by name: Saraphim, the winged angel, good, lightness and God versus Satan, his demons, a necromancer, conjurer, collector of souls. There is levitation and darkness, rot and decay. The spiritual forces of good and evil are explicitly named and defined within a biblical framework. Every other chapter opens with a thorn crown framing a girls profile, then a mountain lions profile, then a girl, then lion, then girl, etc.

Secular public schools teach biblical half-truths without giving children access to a REAL Bible.

Spiritual Element is Feminine Pointing Down (emotion, intuition, subconscious)

" For you were once darkness, but now you are light in the Lord. Live as children of light (for the fruit of the light consists in all goodness, righteousness and truth) and find out what pleases the Lord. Have nothing to do with the fruitless deeds of darkness, but rather expose them. It is shameful even to mention what the disobedient do in secret. But everything exposed by the light becomes visible—and everything that is illuminated becomes a light. This is why it is said: “Wake up, sleeper, rise from the dead, and Christ will shine on you.”

Two Schools

Public and Non-Public

The basis for my School selection

The reason I chose Trinity for my first literacy study (see previous article) was because of their proven success across a measurable metrics common to both public and private schools alike. Every year since 1982 The US Dept of Education has awarded the National Blue Ribbon to schools who demonstrate overall academic performance or progress closing achievement gaps. Trinity is the ONLY school in the state of Minnesota to receive this award THREE times.

Lake Middle School became an obvious choice for my second literary study (seen in this article) due to it also being a National Blue Ribbon School. LMS is the Pathway of Highest Proficiency in District 833 (across 25+ schools).


Statistics based on 2019 award application packet.

  • Founded in 1987 
  • Blue Ribbon awarded as an “Exemplary High Performing School” in 1996, 2008, and 2019.
  • Location Area: Suburban
  • Grades: Six to Twelve
  • 83%White, 6%Asian, 3%Black, 3%Hispanic.
  • English Language Learners in the school: 0%
  • Free / Reduced Price Meals: 5%
  • Student  to classroom Teacher Ratio: 9:1
  • 100% Graduation Rate


Statistics based on 2022 award application packet.

  • Opened in 1995
  • Blue Ribbon awarded as an “Exemplary Gap Closing School” in 2022.
  • Location Area: Suburban
  • Grades: Six to Eight
  • 63%White, 16%Asian, 8%Black, 6%Hispanic.
  • English Language Learners in the school: 2%
  • Free / Reduced PriceMeals: 8%
  • Student to classroom Teacher Ratio: 27:1

Data collected from National Blue Ribbon Schools HERE.

CLASS / INCOME – I realize that the die-hard public school supporters will deny this study on the grounds of race, class, and special need. As you can see though, the demographic data is not so startlingly different between this private and public school comparison. An underprivileged student population of 5% vs 8% in the low income category is a pretty fair comparison. 

PARENTAL SUPPORT – In the application for Lake Middle School, Principal Molly Roeske recognized parents as an essential part of the school’s work with students due to their extreme support and involvement in the LMS community of learning. This too rings true for the private school parent at Trinity who is invested spiritually, mentally, physically and
financially in their child’s education. Once again, A FAIR COMPARISON.

Note: As the US Dept of Education becomes less and less about proficiency and more and more about global citizenry (in both mission and credential) this award may not hold much weight in the near future.

A District 833 Public School Pathway

Lake Middle School

Link to The All Schools BOOK LIST HERE to see more of what LMS is reading.

In 2022, LMS received the Blue Ribbon Award for progress closing achievement gaps. Not only that, but they were the ONLY public middle school in the state of Minnesota that year to receive the award.

According to the most current data from MN Report Card, LMS has dropped 12.7% in reading proficiency since 2019 (from 77.1% to 64.4%). This, however, is still the gold standard in District 833, whose reading proficiency, district wide, was a whopping 55.3% last year. District 833 also exceeded the state average by 5.2% because statewide Minnesota sits at 49.9% reading proficiency.

Eligibility requirements for the National Blue Ribbon Schools award

“All nominated public schools must meet the state’s performance targets in
reading (or English language arts) and mathematics and other academic
indicators (i.e., attendance rate and graduation rate), for the all students group, including having participation rates of at least 95 percent using the most recent accountability results available for nomination.”

Reaching a participation rate of 95% does not seem like it would be too difficult, but it evidently is if you look over District 833’s attendance and graduation rates. ERHS has a regular attendance rate of just 82.4% and a graduation rate of less than 94.7%.

See Minnesota Report Card stats HERE.

The mission of Lake Middle School is to “provide a safe, student-centered environment inspiring Leadership, Academics, Kindness, and Excellence for everyone.” 

From the Application for the National Blue Ribbon Schools Program 2022, pg 8.

" For since the creation of the world God’s invisible qualities—his eternal power and divine nature—have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that people are without excuse. For although they knew God, they neither glorified him as God nor gave thanks to him, but their thinking became futile and their foolish hearts were darkened. Although they claimed to be wise, they became fools and exchanged the glory of the immortal God for images made to look like a mortal human being and birds and animals and reptiles. "

Two Spiritual Forces

Serafina and The Black Cloak


Man (demon-like)

Snake / Rattlesnake

“Enslaver of Children’s Souls”

Dark is Evil


Girl (Christ-like)

Shapeshifting Catamount

Predatory “Creature of the Night”

Dark is Good

The HEROIN’s name, “Serafina” is derived from the biblical word seraphim, some of God’s highest order of angels.

The only name not to appear in word form is “Jesus.” The author appears to be giving this role to Serafina, the heroin, who not only has very Christ-like characteristic traits, but is also called the “saver” and “protector of people, animals, forest and land.” She is the “Guardian of Biltmore Estate.”

It is a little unsettling to me because, as I skim to the last book, I think I know where this is going. 

" In the year that King Uzziah died, I saw the Lord, high and exalted, seated on a throne; and the train of his robe filled the temple. Above him were seraphim, each with six wings: With two wings they covered their faces, with two they covered their feet, and with two they were flying. "

The VILLAIN’s name, “Thorne” is of English origin and means “From the thorn bush.” Thorns are part of God’s curse after The Fall of mankind and is connected with sin.

“When Adam and Eve sinned, bringing evil and a curse upon the world, part of the curse upon humanity was “…cursed is the ground because of you; in pain you shall eat of it all the days of your life: thorns and thistles it shall bring forth for you…” (Genesis 3:17-18) … Christ, in His perfect atoning sacrifice, has delivered us from the curse of sin, of which a thorn is a symbol. “ -from Got Questions Link HERE.

" They stripped him and put a scarlet robe on him, and then twisted together a crown of thorns and set it on his head. They put a staff in his right hand. Then they knelt in front of him and mocked him. “Hail, king of the Jews!” they said. "

Serafina and the Black Cloak

by Robert Beatty, 2015 (Disney Hyperion)

Robert Beatty wrote the Serafina Series for (and with) his three daughters. In this way, his intentions reflect the same as J.R.R. Tolkien in his familial approach to writing. Unlike Tolkien though, I am pretty sure Beatty intended to publish Serafina. His books are Common Core Compatible and meet government state standards.

Learn more about Robert Beatty Books by clicking on the image.

Book Review

The story of Serafina has a rich, poetic vocabulary full of symbolism that, I am sure, inspires young readers who may not even like to read. For this reason, I wish the text or teaching guides directed children to read the Bible in tandem with the book since this entire story line would not be possible without it.

The JOURNEY – Leaving the basement, stepping out into the light, being seen, and entering the dark forest are some of Serafina’s worst fears. She selflessly puts herself in danger to save the children, and in the process she discovers her true identity, her family, and her mysterious unhuman-like powers.

The GOAL – Serafina means to stop Evil from stealing the souls of children at Biltmore Estate. She hopes to free them in the END. This is the TREASURE – The souls of little children.

HERO– Serafina finds strength in herself – of her own making, of her own choosing, and of her own ability. You could say that, in this way, she becomes like a god. Her powers are supernatural and are equal only to that of the villain, who is referenced as Satan.

VILLAIN – He is a sorcerer of dark magic and demonic force who offers knowing all things by becoming bound to the Black Cloak’s insatiable appetite for little souls.

At first I was delighted by this books multi-dimensional characteristics and (seemingly) vertical structure. This, however, was the source of both my delight AND my confusion. How could a book about good and evil, one that actually calls out angels by name and mimics scripture, be taught in a South Washington County Public School? 

After doing some research on the author and reading his classroom study guides, I ended up re-reading the entire book, but this time I did it through the eyes of Paul’s letter to the Galatians (which I happened to be reading simultaneously). The conclusion I began to form was terrifying. It struck me like a ton of bricks that this book might NOT be pointing to God at all, but to Satan and the Temptation of Christ.

Serafina doesn’t CHOOSE GOOD (as in God). She chooses TO BE GOOD. There is a significant difference. To look inside yourself in search of goodness is to become your own god. Here in lies the confusion that divides Christians.

" Therefore God gave them over in the sinful desires of their hearts to sexual impurity for the degrading of their bodies with one another. They exchanged the truth about God for a lie, and worshiped and served created things rather than the Creator—who is forever praised. Amen. Because of this, God gave them over to shameful lusts. Even their women exchanged natural sexual relations for unnatural ones. In the same way the men also abandoned natural relations with women and were inflamed with lust for one another. Men committed shameful acts with other men, and received in themselves the due penalty for their error. "

This book is multi-dimensional because it draws so much inspiration from religious symbolism. Serafina is able to grow stronger and more powerful the more she saves people, animals, forest and land. She relies an awful lot on her own power to fix her brokenness, and though this may be highlighted by the author as fulfilling, it is not in real life. Living ‘my’ truth ‘my’ way on ‘my’ terms and in ‘my’ time will never result in true happiness … and the Bible says this.

“ Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light. ”

Two Realms

and Too Many Stars


Line – Shape – Form – Space – Texture – Value – Color

Contrast – Pattern – Emphasis – Balance – Movement – Unity

Physical Elements

The pattern of elements has been very confusing and difficult to identify in Serafina. As far as spirituality, her triangle seems to point in all directions, and it began spinning in circles the more I thought about it. First I drew the shape with three points, then six … then five, nine, twelve, and back to five. Every religious path led back to five : The Pentagram.

What is a Pentagram in occult studies? It typically starts out as Wicca or Baha’i Faith and inverts into black magic, the Church of Satan, devil worship, and infernalism (everlasting torment and descent of the spirit).

The Baha'i Faith
I would believe Mr. Beatty if he said that the Christian Narrative was his goal here, but light and dark are so upside down and backwards in this story that it is hard to identify good from bad and bad from bad. If any girl can become the Savior, and if bad is good, and if dark can be light when it chooses to be light, what happens when light chooses to be dark?
Some of the symbolism behind Sarafina’s many demonic antagonists are very dark: Wicca, Baha’i and the Church of Satan, just to name a few. The number of points on a star are significantly symbolic to the spiritual orientation of occult studies, and I certainly would not want my 13 year old daughter reading a book in school that peaked her curiosity in inverted pentagrams and goats heads (gleamed from the villain in book #2).
As American progressive education turns global, it is easy to see how an all-inclusive worldwide denomination is also necessary. I have noticed The Baha’i Faith, for instance, is an acceptable (and promoted) form of religion in District 833 Schools because it combines the nine most common world religions. The symbols in the nine point star represent Baha’i, Buddhism, Christianity, Hinduism, Islam, Jainism, Judaism, Shinto, and Sikhism.

If you are a parent who believes in the Kingdom of God as the most sacred treasure worth seeking, then this is a warning not to trust everything your child is assigned to read in school – public or non-public, secular or Christian. Read along with them and, if needed, study the bible for clarity.

" Furthermore, just as they did not think it worthwhile to retain the knowledge of God, so God gave them over to a depraved mind, so that they do what ought not to be done. They have become filled with every kind of wickedness, evil, greed and depravity. They are full of envy, murder, strife, deceit and malice. They are gossips, slanderers, God-haters, insolent, arrogant and boastful; they invent ways of doing evil; they disobey their parents; they have no understanding, no fidelity, no love, no mercy. Although they know God’s righteous decree that those who do such things deserve death, they not only continue to do these very things but also approve of those who practice them. "

In the End

Can Progressive Education survive without the Christian influence?

No matter your faith, there is simply no denying the profound impact that the Crucifixion of Jesus has had on the modern world. The record of this event in time, and the prophesy which came before it, is written in a book that has shaped the world and how we think of good and evil, right and wrong, up and down, dark and light, etc. No atheist can escape this reality, nor should they if truly interested in that which IS REAL.

Journey Of Two Mountains was inspired by Serafina and The Black Cloak and The Letter of Paul to the Romans and Ephesians. I think I understand now what it looks like to be a Progressive Christian versus a Faith-Filled Christian. For that I am thankful, and I look forward to reading the third and fourth books.

Action Item :

I am putting together a lesson plan for small group discussion about the Serafina Series that centers on the authors use of biblical knowledge and distortion there-of. For anyone who is interested, please fill out the JAiME for SCHOOLS “Contact” Form in the MENU bar. Get on the list to receive updates about this first “Book-Club” style meeting. If there is enough interest then this may become a regular monthly event.
Small Group discussion to be led by Jaime Kokaisel

Up next in The REAL or FAKE Series

JOURNEY of the Slacker

District 833’s PATHWAY OF LOWEST PROFICIENCY is Pullman Elementary to Olman Middle to Park High School. How does Olman’s selection of Slacker differ in educational literacy to Lake’s selection of Serafina and The Black Cloak? The difference between quality in these two books is startling. The value of MEANS is being cancelled by District 833 as a new crop of mediocrity is ushered in. As focus becomes all about the outcome, how does a book like Slacker fit in? Oltman Middle and Lake Middle operate under the same District 833 School Board and the same District 833 Superintendent … yet their rate of proficiency is drastically different. This is the result of two barriers : 1.) high risk vs low risk student populations and 2.) high quality vs low quality school literature. Which one do you think the district has more control over?

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The REAL or FAKE Series

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In 2020, the Governor’s Education Roundtable put together A Roadmap for Transformational Change in Minnesota Education that says, “We need to mobilize all of us – not just teachers and students – to nurture assets and DISMANTLE BARRIERS so every student and their family has all Minnesotans supporting their academic and personal growth.” On the other hand, Kelly Smith, Founder of Prenda, says his micro-schools are “BREAKING DOWN BARRIERS that will make it easier for people to start their own schools.” Meanwhile, One Stone, a school with no teachers, no tests and no grades, says they are “BREAKING DOWN the one-size-fits-all nature of a conventional classroom.” As you can see, there are a lot of proverbial BARRIERS BEING BROKEN DOWN these days, and they appear to be at war with one another. G.K. Chesterton said, “Whenever you remove any fence, always pause long enough to ask why it was put there in the first place.” Wise advice from a wise man. My question is, which SCHOOL+HOUSE is able to BUILD UP? Anyone can break down in a world ruled by the laws of gravity. Good or evil, real or fake – anyone can destroy – but only REAL things can grow up under this sun … only REAL is granted authority to build upward … only REAL has the soft heart needed for love … only REAL is able to truly hear His story (history) spoken … and only REAL is able to truly see the Word written into the fabric of creation. “This Little School+House” and the “Borders and Boundaries” series of 2025 will explore “What is education, actually?”

THE BIBLE IS: The Great “I AM”

GOD IS EVERYWHERE. He is Painter, Designer, Sculptor, Architect, Author, Poet, and Musician. The Subject Studies of education include Math, Science, History, Art, Reading & Writing, and they all find their origin story from the Bible. In the Gospel of John we get to see God the CREATOR through the giftedness of an artistic painter of words. In the Gospel of Luke we get to see God the PHYSICIAN through the giftedness of an educated doctor. THE BIBLE IS Literary Artistry. THE BIBLE IS VISUALLY God sculpting into shape the heavens and earth, the mountains and valleys, the people and places and spaces all giftedness shines. THE BIBLE IS AUDIBLY God speaking the breath of life into men like a musician breathing life into his orchestra. Without his breath, we cannot sing. Without his light we are formless and void. This series, The Bible Is Literary Artistry, shows how the Holy Bible qualifies, and even surpasses, the criteria listed as District 833 Literacy Skills.

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