JOURNEY With Eyes That Don’t See

By Jaime Kokaisel

What is a Public School District MADE OF? We have to begin by recognizing that every public school is made up of two sets of metrics – those that are FIXED and those that are VARIABLE. One of the best MEANS by which a school can impact positive change is through the literature it assigns. District 833’s PATHWAY OF LOWEST PROFICIENCY is Pullman Elementary to Oltman Middle to Park High School. The Book Review for this study is Slacker by Gordon Korman. Here children learn lessons in social etiquette, about being “positive and never negative,” and about how a JOURNEY of negligence, addiction, dishonesty, indulgence, selfishness, and sloth can reach a happy ending. Is it true that in sowing seeds of death we reap bountiful harvests? No. Sugary fillers do not nourish hungry minds but rather keep them in a state of starvation. If the END justifies the MEANS in Progressive Education, then what END do these MEANS seek to reach?

A Literary Comparison Between Three Schools
Part 3

Oltman Middle School

Public Education by Progressive Means

A busy little beaver is a builder who is industrious and works very hard. A beaver demonstrates productivity, adaptability, perseverance, resourcefulness, cooperation, sustainability, environmental stewardship, and harmony. If these properties sound familiar to you, that is because their influence is heavy in the social justice of human culture today, including public education.
In Canada, where author Gordon Korman is from, the beaver is the national animal. After reviewing many of his books for the sake of this article, I am able to gather a baseline for what he sees as the social and political problems of our time. Those problems includes : individualism, capitalism, corporate power, bullies, dominance, animal endangerment, and the depletion of natural resources. Isn’t it interesting that the ‘beaver’ solves all those problems …

One has to wonder though
why an apex predator (mankind)
might train its weakest population
how to become

Trinity School at River Ridge was the first literacy study in the JOURNEY series. The reason I chose Lake Middle School for my second literary study was because it, like Trinity, was awarded a National Blue Ribbon by the US Dept of Education. This made it easy to compare a Christian Private School to a Secular Public School. Since Lake is the Pathway of Highest Proficiency in District 833, I chose to compare it to the PATHWAY of Lowest Proficiency in District 833, and that is

Oltman Middle School.

Please note : Oltman was chosen for this study based on data alone. This article is in no way a judgement of the educators or staff employed, nor students attending, OMS. This essay is the result of networking and personal observation which draws upon available public data, my past experience as a district parent, and requests made to the district for data. (See disclaimer at the end for more resources)

According to the most current data from MN Report Card, OMS has dropped 13.5% in reading proficiency since 2019 (from 53.8% to 40.3%). The district average is 55.3%, and the state average is 49.9%.

Pullman Elementary School to Oltman Middle School to Park High School is the pathway of lowest proficiency. It is important to note that Pullman is one of three Title I elementary schools in the district and that two Title I schools filter through Oltman Middle. By comparison, the middle school of highest proficiency (Lake Middle) receives zero Title I schools.

At 36.2% Free and Reduced Priced Meals, Oltman’s student population is experiencing significantly more hardship than Lake’s.

MN Report Card data composite 2023

PARENTAL SUPPORT – A school with this level of income will not have the same level of parental support as a school with high-income families. I don’t have any stats on this, but it goes without saying. Children from stable homes with two involved parents play a big part in proficiency. Should you have further questions on this subject though, the district’s Title I coordinator is Principal Rich Romano. He has quite a bit of experience with both Newport Elementary (Title I school with low parental involvement) and Liberty Ridge Elementary (affluent school with high parental involvement).

Link to The All Schools BOOK LIST HERE to see more of what OMS is reading.

What IS a Public School Made of ?

This is the question before me as I work through this study and into the next. We have to begin by recognizing that every public school is made up of two sets of metrics – those that are FIXED and those that are VARIABLE. Income level, demographics and parental involvement are FIXED METRICS. Since a school must work within that fixed framework, some have told me this ALONE drives high and low outcomes. I disagree. If this were true, then why have compulsory education in the first place? Fixed metrics DO NOT excuse low proficiency entirely because the second set of metrics is variable.

The VARIABLE MEANS OF CHANGE include high quality books, distraction-free classrooms, litter-free hallways, the absence of propaganda, a happy employment base, and space for kids to be kids. THIS we CAN control. THIS is the VARIABLE our tax dollars pay for. THIS is the reason for investing in buildings, for purchasing curriculum, for hiring teachers, for electing a school board, for setting state standards, for teachers unions and departments of education and administrators and on and on and on and on. If children are being required to attend school, then obviously the variable matters to those who steward it – those progressive department heads of government who run public education. 

For this study, I am looking at the LITERATURE used for SoWashCo’s variable means of change, but all the variables are on my radar and will be mentioned in the conclusion to this article.

Slacker by Gordon Korman is assigned reading at Oltman Middle School (based on lists gathered in 2022-23). This book does not have a vertical structure like the last two reviews. There is no spiritual element present. The journey of Cameron Boxer is one of dishonest gain, which is a common thread in this author’s work : swindling, cheating, lying, stealing, deceiving, tricking, defaming, robbing, conning, and backstabbing. In the world of Gordon Korman adults are incompetent, kids are more reliable than government, gaming teaches valuable life lessons, apathy can lead to victory, thoughts of the mind outweigh actions of the body, and the ‘bully’ normally succumbs to the ‘misfit’ in the end.


by Gordon Korman, 2016 (Scholastic)

Gordon Korman is from Toronto, Canada. Some of his characters are inspired by his children, but (from what I was able to gather by reading public interviews) he does not write FOR his children. His oldest boy was the inspiration for Cameron Boxer in Slacker. Entertainment is Korman’s primary goal in writing for teens, and he has published over 100 books. Most are written from the perspective of a middle school boy struggling to find his way through the ups and downs of adolescence.

Book Review

Cameron Boxer is a video game addicted couch potato who starts a fake school club to trick his parents into thinking he has chosen something, outside his Play Station, to participate in. The popularity of his Positive Action Group though begins to threaten Cam’s gaming “lifestyle”, and the more it turns from a fake club into a real club the more Cam has to lie his way out of it (since he is the president).

The JOURNEY – The story is about Cam’s attempt to dodge his teachers, dodge his peers, dodge his work, and dodge responsibility. Lucky for this slacker, lying has no real consequences, apathy translates into respect, and sloth builds enough character to make the journey a success.

The END GOAL – What begins as winning a video game competition turns into saving his town from “the new mall”.

See Author's website at

TREASURE – The treasure that begins and ends the book is a $10,000 prize for becoming champion of the video game competition, Rule The World.

POWER – In his fight against participating in society and maturing in selflessness, there is a bigger problem brewing, and that is “the new mall” compromising his town in more ways than one.

HERO – Cameron Boxer is the main character, but he is not a hero worth cheering for.

VILLAIN – Melody Boxer makes life difficult for Cam in many ways, but she has the most dimension of all characters in the book – dynamic, round and real.


Literary LESSON

The take-away from this book is that cooperation, perseverance and positive action has the power to stop bulldozers, protect animals, save small towns, and defeat powerrful corporate giants. It would appear that talents and gifts are unnecessary since fulfillment can be found through cooperation alone, and 100% compliance at that.

The motto of Cam’s Positive Action Group is,

"We pledge to be positive and never negative, because negative actions are worse than no actions at all."

There are many simple truths that can be found in Slacker – generosity, teamwork, envy, sloth, indulgence, pride, and malice are applied in very realistic ways. This explains why other Book Reviewers might say Slacker is believable. On the surface I agree, but below the surface those simple truths materialize into weapons that justify false hope. This book is a lie. It is a trick. It distorts what is REAL by twisting cause and effect. These fake lessons teach the desired utopian outcome of socialism, but the truth is this utopia only exists within a fake world created through artistic license. Is this what it takes to reach a socialist utopia? Tricking the human brain with word salad and playing pretend beaver?

There is a small window of time when Cam desires to do the right thing – to confess to his parents and suffer the consequences (pg 182-187). But that confession is never spoken and that punishment is never dealt. Cam is twisted up in knots over his lie (which is what naturally happens) but somehow the universe turns itself upside down in order for him to have a happy ending – no confession needed. Instead of Cam apologizing to his parents, his parents apologize to him. Cam is the hero who saves the day. He is the seventh grade slacker who somehow has gained more wisdom than anyone else in the town – by gaming, lying and cheating – more wisdom than Mayor Dolinka or Mr. Fan-something (the middle school advisor whose name he can never remember) or Dad or Mom or the doctors, lawyers, and business people of Sycamore.

Cam’s wisdom does not come from a heroic journey fought with zeal and perseverance. No, it comes from Cam’s negligence, addiction, dishonesty, indulgence, selfishness and sloth. 


Cameron is able to reap a bountiful harvest from sowing seeds of Death.

This sentiment is false and deceptive.

It arms the weak with toy shields of paper armor.

The REAL Truth:

You Reap What you Sow

This well-known idiom has been used in both secular and spiritual circles to teach truth. At it’s most elementary level, a farmer reaps (gathers) his crop and sows (plants) his seeds. One type of seed produces the same type of plant (ie. a zucchini seed does not germinate into a carrot). One seed produces one mature plant, no more, until another seed is produced.

This principal is also biblical. Throughout the Old and New Testament reaping and sowing are used as metaphors to describe the results of one’s actions.

“ Remember this: Whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows generously will also reap generously. ”

“ Do not be deceived, God is not mocked; for whatever a man sows, that he will also reap. For he who sows to the flesh will of the flesh reap corruption, but he who sows to the Spirit will of the Spirit reap everlasting life. “

FAKE is not automatically bad as long as it does not pretend to be REAL. I can buy a faux diamond and still enjoy its beauty. I can read a book about cyborgs (Cinder) or hobbits (Lord of the Rings) or dystopian societies that grow babies in test tubes (Brave New World), and I can still enjoy the craftsmanship. 

Bad does not live inside the fake copy. Bad lives inside its deception.

As a jeweler, it is theft to sell cubic zirconia for the price of a natural diamond. As a teacher, it is theft to sell an educational foundation made of sand for the price of solid rock.

At the heart of Slackers message to young readers is a lesson in SOCIAL etiquette …

"Because helping others is an education in itself"

MISSION STATEMENT: The mission of the Positive Action Group is to act positively to help our school and our community. We pledge to be positive and never negative, because negative actions are worse than no actions at all. We look forward to a fantastic year of helping.

Quote from Slacker by Gordon Korman, pg 20

The REAL Truth:

To Never be 'Negative' is to never acknowledge, correct, or check those we love.

To REBUKE is often thought to be negative and adversarial, but it is quite the opposite.  As a verb it means to sternly reprimand or scold. Rebuke is used in the Bible as correction and reproof, discipline and instruction. A father corrects the child he loves. A mother does the same. But the parent who never rebukes their child may discover what a curse it is to be “never negative.”

“Better is open rebuke than hidden love. Wounds from a friend can be trusted, but an enemy multiplies kisses.”

Bible Themes of Rebuking

Correction and Reproof :

“Rebuking in the biblical context involves pointing out errors, wrongdoing, or sin with the intention of correcting or admonishing the individual. It is an expression of disapproval meant to bring about positive change.”

Discipline and Instruction:

“The Bible teaches that rebuke is a form of discipline and instruction. Proverbs 3:12 (NIV) states, ‘because the Lord disciplines those he loves, as a father the son he delights in.’ The idea is that rebuke, when done with love and a desire for the individual’s well-being, can lead to growth and improvement.

See quote from HERE

Tool Kit for this Study


Line – Shape – Form – Space – Texture – Value – Color

Literature can be broken down and studied using the Elements of Art in the same way as the chemist uses the Periodic Table of Elements. For this book study lets look at FORM, VALUE and SPACE.


The art element of FORM is a three-dimensional object with length, width, and depth and has been moulded that way for a purpose. FORM turns the circle into a sphere, the square into a cube or a pyramid, and the triangle into a cone or a cylinder.

In LITERATURE – Shape becomes FORM through the development of character, setting, and plot. The authors job is to fill out this FORM by the end of the story.

My assessment of Slacker as “FAKE” is in response to the quality of its content. Remember the saying, “You reap what you sow.” Cameron does not sow the seeds that (in real life) would result in a bountiful harvest … and yet (in the book) he gets 100% out of his 0% effort. 

I see young minds absorbing the world of Korman literature, and it makes me sad to think that in their hunger for truth, they devour lies. Fake fillers of indulgence do not nourish hungry minds. They keep them in a state of starvation.


The art element of VALUE is the degree of lightness (white) or darkness (black) in colors. Value gradients are applied to a 2D object in order to create the illusion of mass and volume. Value helps create a sense of depth and contrast. The larger the tonal range, the more life and visual interest. If there is not enough range in values, the artwork can look flat.

In LITERATURE – Is the character ROUND or FLAT? DYNAMIC or STATIC? MIRROR or FOIL? The author shades and tints each character into dimension. Typically the protagonist is written into the story with the most dimension – round and dynamic – while the supporting characters are less complex in dimension – flat and static. But this is not always the case.

This circle appears 2D because of its limited value scale.
This circle appears 3D because of its full use of the value scale.

Cameron is the embodiment of a fake avatar. Where there is mediocrity there is only grey. When compared to other literature designed for this age group, Cam is flat with a static rate of growth. When compared to the characters within Slacker though, he does become slightly round, but it is very short lived. By the second book, Cam regresses even deeper into isolation, selfishness, and deception. He has not learned anything about giving. The little growth he gained in Slacker is lost by Level 13. There is truth in that without the hardship of serious quests, there is very little maturation.


The art element of SPACE is the area or volume around and between things. Space can be empty or it can be full. Space implies size and defines shapes and forms – perspective (viewpoint), contrast (positive/negative), and relationship (near/far) to one another.

In LITERATURE – Space can be gallon sized or teaspoon sized. The author determines size based on the age, interest, and learning level of his/her target audience. Once the author establishes the amount of space to be filled, the next step is to FILL that space. If the story ends with empty space, it falls flat.

Apply this to Oltman. There are 16 elementary schools in the district that filter into four middle schools (four elementary per middle). Between three Title I schools in the district, Oltman absorbs two and Lake absorbs zero. This means that 50% of Oltman’s student population comes from Title I schools (compared to 0% of Lake’s). In this way, I can understand how the scale of proficiency might need to be scaled back for Oltman readers … but that cup better be full!


The students at Oltman Middle School need REAL literature filled with REAL characters who seek REAL treasure, accept REAL journeys, and learn about REAL virtue so they can overcome their REAL adversaries in REAL life.

When the Journey Falls Flat, fill it with hope

There is a flatness to Slacker that mimics the flatness of a godless
world. If God does not exist, then Satan does not exist, and nothing is ever truly good or bad, right or wrong, up or down, black or white.

Marathons are run after months of training. This involves conditioning, repetition, endurance, and motivation to train the bodies muscle, heart,
stomach, and mind to push past pain, cramps, weather, exhaustion, and tears. Thousands of miles are logged for a 26.2 mile race. Athletes experience emotional and physical extremes. There are highs and there are lows. Marathons are not run on flat ground by static characters who use fake means to gain them real victory over the finish line. No. In real life, big battles are faced and fought by taking one courageous step at a time.

I would love to see Gordon Korman introduce competent adults into his books … Adults who engage government officials with maturity and resolve conflict with conviction. American government is set up FOR the people BY the people. Protect the vulnerable by teaching them REAL literacy and REAL advocacy.

If “the new mall” is the power hungry villain, then expand on this further. Who, what, when, where, why? Then demonstrate to students what it looks like to be a mature adult business owner who advocates for themselves at the state level BEFORE demolition crews arrive. Protesting and picketing should never be the first step in conflict resolution. A proactive and zealous citizenry will reap much greater rewards than a passive one that becomes reactive when faced with sloth’s consequence.

In the End

I find every book beneficial, whether I agree or disagree with the message. In fact, I am constantly forcing myself to read books I disagree with. Many times, as is the case for Slacker, I am surprised to discover hidden gems of truth buried beneath the surface. The Holy Spirit uses all to the glory of God – even through the lies.
A very large truth is revealed in Slacker as the book comes to a close … a truth about what progressive education is made of. As you can see, youth organized in the name of “charity” can also be mobilized in the name of justice, when taught right and wrong through the lens of FAKE justice. Simply put, children become a force for change. Your children become THE MEANS TO AN END.

Predator or Prey

Does a beaver take down a mountain lion in nature?

A FAKE foundation cannot last the test of time. It does not fill. 

It will not grow. If there is anything that Scripture can teach the non-believer, it is that the natural world is bigger than man. Nature is raw, and nature is wild, and nature is fierce. Nature does not stop and ask mankind for permission. In nature, there will be winners, and there will be losers. The upright in character help those too weak to help themselves, and they do this by using Means to strengthen their armor, their family, their resolve, and their zeal.

The Industrious Beaver is a small herbivore who gathers its food.
The circle is open and warm when truth is spoken, but it is confining when truth is withheld.
Cameron Boxer is a COUCH POTATO. He eats candy, sits in his dark basement, does not travel beyond his home town, and shrugs off responsibility. Cam demonstrates conviction for gaming, but other than that he is physically and spiritually slothful, self-centered, apathetic, untrustworthy, and disrespectful.  Young readers should not look up to this protagonist.
VIRTUE is celebrated through the hero’s SLOTH.

Compare Slacker to Serafina

The Predatory Panthera is a large carnivore who hunts its food.
Serafina is an ATHLETE. She eats healthy, sprints fast, travels far, and pushes herself beyond creature comfort. Serafina is zealous, careful, diligent, steadfast, and determined. She demonstrates fortitude, conviction and integrity. Young readers can look up to Serafina for these reasons.
VIRTUE is celebrated through the heroin’s ZEAL.

While Oltman learns from cooperative PREY, Lake learns from stealthy PREDATORS?

"The end justifies the means only when the means used are such as actually bring about the desired and desirable end."

One has to wonder that If The END justifies the MEANS in Progressive Education, then what “END” do these “MEANS” seek to reach?

If you watch the patterns of progressive education, you will see this kind of manipulative theft of human identity … this kind of brain conditioning that deceives an apex predator (mankind) into becoming prey to his own people.

Compare John Dewey with King Solomon who wrote most of the book of Proverbs. The word proverb comes from Hebrew and means “to rule” or “to govern,” therefore this is advice for government leaders.

" Diligent hands will rule, but laziness ends in forced labor. ”

... Forced Labor.

To JOURNEY with eyes that see is challenging ... But in the end it makes ALL the difference.

This article was inspired by Gordon Korman’s Slacker, John Dewey, and by the Apostle Paul’s Letters to the Galatians and Corinthians as well as King Solomon’s Book of Proverbs.

The JOURNEY Series Disclaimer : I have simplified this process of discovery down into one book in one school at one given moment in time. This allows me to break an idea down into its simplest form, but I fully understand that the whole of SoWashCo is the sum of all its parts. One book does not define a district. This is why I carefully considered all the pieces before selecting each schools representative book.

In addition to books at each school, I reviewed theater productions, newsletters (ie The Oltman Times), social media feeds, promotional videos, district book recommendations for I Love To Read Month, student book submissions (View SoWashCo “Literacy is Everywhere” HERE), district publications (ie SoWashCo Connects), public letters, public data, requested data, All Schools BOOK LIST (view Book List HERE), etc.

The All Schools BOOK LIST comes from a multi-layered sharing of information by district parents, teachers and students.

When applicable to my research, I make an effort to share my data and theories with district administrators, directors, and departments before publishing. For the JOURNEY series, I emailed my book list to Ms. Tia Clasen in the Department of Teaching and Learning. Unfortunately Ms. Clasen was unable (or unwilling) to acknowledge my book list, but that is okay since its accuracy is not dependent on district administration. Nonetheless I think it always a worthwhile ask.

Up next in The REAL or FAKE Series

Words make Literacy

My next article will summarize what was learned in this three-part “JOURNEY” about educational LITERACY. I will wrap up with the Art Elements of Color and Texture, then draw conclusions and add to the framework of WHAT IS REAL. Every book has an interior and an exterior. Sometimes the cover does not match what is inside. The same can be said of district communication. What is District 833 CURRICULUM made of? There is a very distinct pattern emerging from my research, but before drawing any final conclusions a foundation of understanding is necessary.

What is the 3rd grade ARC Weather Curriculum MADE OF? What is the FLASH Sexual Health Curriculum made of? “Literacy is Everywhere” says the Director of Teaching and Learning. The ‘cover’ of that ‘book’ sounds so simple and so true, but does inside match outside and what does it say?’

The Principals of Art include

Contrast – Pattern – Emphasis – Balance – Movement – Unity

As subject matter increases in complexity, I have found the Artists Took Kit very helpful, therefore I hope to expand into the Art PRINCIPALS next. A principal uses an element similar to how a director uses a book (or script) to make the story come to life. The REAL or FAKE Series is always evolving due to the experimental nature of it being a STUDY. It is impossible to know what the end will reveal. I have a general idea how to get there, but truly I am just following each path as the Holy Spirit brings it into focus.


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The REAL or FAKE Series

The Real or Fake Series sets the stage for 2024 and is the foundation for future articles. It builds off of the Christmas Gift poem written and published on December 15th, 2023 titled “The Maker IS

Everything that “IS”, has been made, and all things made have a MAKER. Therefore, everything made has a purpose. This series distinguishes between the superficial and the substantive things we choose to surround ourselves with. Generation after generation passes by, and pretty soon fakeness become so embedded in a culture that reality is forgotten altogether. 

The characteristic traits of REAL are defined here, and FAKE is called out for the counterfeit it is. Follow along as Jaime looks at all parts of the K-12 education system: from tangible to complex, public to non-public, literature, curriculum, government run secular religion, and the real and fake players within the Minnesota election process.

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